How to use colours

About The Author








La Mappa delle Energie è un test studiato e validato in oltre 10 anni di studi e analisi comparate che fornisce un quadro affidabile del livello energetico  e rappresenta una bussola per  CONOSCERE TE STESSO e comprendere com’è il tuo livello energetico, come vivi le tue emozioni, quali sono le tue energie più forti che creano talento, quali sono le energie più deboli da sviluppare.

Impara a conoscerle e poi guida la tua vita!

Il test è fruibile dai 13 anni in su e una volta effettuato potrai stamparlo, ma è condizione indispensabile rispondere con sincerità alle domande rispondendo per come sei oggi, non per come eri ieri o come vorresti essere, così avrai un risultato reale e onesto.
Il risultato dell’analisi della Mappa delle tue Energie ti aiuterà a comprendere meglio il modo in cui pensi, senti, percepisci ed intuisci e probabilmente dove hanno luogo i tuoi conflitti mentali, emozionali, fisici o spirituali. Unitamente al test è disponibile una spiegazione dettagliata di 9 pagine che puoi stampare.

Se alla fine del test, desideri avere maggiori informazioni, contattaci e un nostro esperto ti consiglierà un percorso personalizzato per sviluppare le tue energie.


Puoi acquistare il nostro test "La Mappa delle Energie". Clicca sul pulsante "Acquista il test", e procedi con la registrazione e l'acquisto. Una volta completata la procedura potrai fare il test quando vorrai: ritorna a questa pagina e inserisci le tue credenziali nell'Area Login, quindi segui i link a fondo pagina per effettuare il test.

STAMPA DELLA MAPPA DELLE ENERGIE - scarica le istruzioni   

Una volta risposto alle domande stampa subito il risultato del tuo test, il sistema  una volta uscito dal programma cancella automaticamente il risultato del test.

Per anomalie o problemi durante l'esecuzione del test scrivi a



Professional Test for Human Energy Analisys

The Energy map test is a test developed and validated in over 10 years of studies and comparative analisys.

It provide you a reliable picture of your energy level and represents a compass to KNOW YOURSELF and understand if your energy level is low or high,  how you live your emotions , which are your strongest energies that create talent, which are the weakest energies to be developed.

Learn to know them and then guide your life!

The test can be used by adults and teenagers aged 13 years and older, once it is done you will be able to print it. It is imperative to respond honestly to questions by answering how you are today, not as you were yesterday or as you would like to be, so you will have a real and honest result.
The result of the analysis of your Energy Map will help you better understand how you think, feel, perceive and understand and where your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual conflicts are happening. Together with the test, there is a detailed explanation of 9 pages that you can print.

If at the end of the test you want more information, please contact us and our expert will advise you on a custom path to develop your energies.


You can buy our test "The Energy Map Test". Click on the "Buy Test" button and proceed with registration and purchase. Once you've completed the procedure, you can do the test whenever you prefer. Return to this page and enter your credentials in the Login Area, then follow the links at the bottom of the page to do the test.


Once you answer the questions immediately print the result of your test, once exited by the program  the system will automatically delete the test result.

For any anomalies or problems during the test run write to












Mother, Entrepreneur, Creator, Founder of the Colour Energy School and Educator, since 30 years i am in the researching field about the development of human potential, in collaboration with the University Research Cluster Egocreanet - Bioquantica.
Journalist, writer, Professional Color Coach, Color Consultant for personal Image and environment , Color Therapist, I deal with training, coaching and development about wellness protocols for Beauty Centers, Wellness Centers and SPAs through the use of Color Energy and Sounds .


Iliana - my name means "the one who colors your life"

Born in Bologna, schoolmates remember me as intelligent, very sensitive, with a deep gaze, who loved being close to nature and climbing trees. My astrological sign is Scorpio with a Libra ascendant. My energetic profile: predominant Violet energy - Rave-Chart profile: Projector.

Business Education: Accounting diploma, specialized studies in public administration and environmental protection, three-year course in international trade with a linguistic focus (English and French), Business Advisor. Courses in Profingest marketing, IT, programming, web communication, training in international ERP SAP management systems, international contract law, Efeso Consulting business management courses, two-year PKE Project Kaizen Engineering course. Courses with Harv Eker, Alex Mandossian, Joel Robert in The Millionaire Mind and Guerrilla Marketing Business Intensive, Business Intelligence Academy, and Strategies for Coaches with Roberto Cerè, training in Digital Marketing, Public Speaking Masterclass for Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Professionals.

Holistic and Psychosomatic Studies - the journey of knowledge: From a very young age, the world of science, energy, and human potential has fascinated me. My studies on these subjects began in 1980, parallel to my basic and occupational studies. I've taken hundreds of training courses, traveling the world, which is my great passion. Notable training paths include Meditation, Yoga, Biodanza, Theta Healing, Shamanic Earth Lodge courses, Kashmiri Tantra and Maithuna, Metamedicine (Claudia Rainville), Ho'oponopono healing energy technique, Meditation, training in psychogenealogy and Imaginary Approach Family Constellations (with Selene Calloni Williams), DMC (deactivation of body memories) with Calderon Zambrana Clinical Psychology Center Spain, and dozens of other evolutionary techniques. Seminars with Greg Braden and Bruce Lipton. Training in Mind Chess, Human Design, Communication, Physiognomy, Fast Memory, Health University (Terme Felsinee of Bologna), K.R.E.A. Academy - Avatar Entheos, Imaginal Academy. Attended the Holistic Psychosomatic Academy with Nitamo Montecucco, Diksha at the Oneness University in India, Quantum Consciousness School with Paolo Scarpari for evolutionary growth paths and Prosperity innovative economic models, Soul Coach, Colour Consultant.

Study of Color: National and International Training: Psychology, psychosomatics, color language method My Energy with Inger Naess (Colour Energy Education System Northern Europe), Colour Therapy and Chromotherapy Course - Amy University Italy, Colour Management Colour Energy International School Systems (Canada), Emotional Massage Training M.E.M. method (memory, emotion, movement) and energy techniques. Training on Meridians, Chakras, Aura, Physiology, Bioenergy, Chromo-massage, Aromatherapy, Subtle Energies, Human Anatomy, Human Energy System, Basic Aesthetics Studies, Soul Coach.

Work Activity - working globally: For decades, I've worked in multinational corporations such as the Emerson/Chloride Power Electronics Group, SCM Group, Bonfiglioli Riduttori Group, operating in the international trade sector, purchasing, marketing, managing distribution networks and international logistics. I've worked with over 80 countries, gaining a deep understanding of the customs, thought processes, and philosophies of the countries I've interacted with. For over 15 years, I closely worked with Asian countries, with multinational corporations in Japan, China, Vietnam, and India, immersing myself in their cultures, thoughts, and philosophical principles.

Holistic Entrepreneurial Activity - Beauty & Wellness Sector: Responsible for the development of the Colour Energy Corporation project in Italy for 5 years. Founded the company Colors for Life srl and Ailight® Colors and Sounds Association of which I am the administrator and president. Organized over a hundred seminars as a meditation and evolutionary path trainer with Color Energy. Individual coaching on human potential development for hundreds of people. Chromotherapist – operated as a holistic operator within the Ailight Holistic Center. Founder and Creator of the School on Color Energy - First in Italy specializing in Color Language, Color Energy, and integrated wellness methods in the beauty and wellness sector. Creator of the Colour Beauty & Wellness Method. Director and Teacher of the two-year Master's course in Coaching with a specialization in chromo-disciplines to become a Colour Coach and Holistic Operator with a chromo-bioenergetic focus. Research activity - in a continuous improvement process, I am involved in study and research activities, as well as writing and reviewing course texts. The school has over 30 textbooks for student training. Research for the formulation of vibrational products, Ailight® brand. Research in marketing and journalistic collaboration with Turismedia ( for the Wellness and Tourism sector. Currently, I am collaborating on the SPA8 Marketing Project in the MIND area (former Expo area in Milan).

Entrepreneurial Activity - working for the world: During my journey at the Oneness University in India, I encountered the world of colors, and it was an extraordinary discovery that changed my life. For 15 years, I have been dedicated to spreading the knowledge of the Language and Energy of Colors as a path of evolutionary growth, well-being, awareness, and creativity, following an Integrated Wellness Concept. In 2007, I opened Ailight srl, and later in 2018, Ailight Colors and Sounds Association. Ailight is a Training Institution and Holistic Center that deals with the spread in the world of chromo-bioenergy, Color Therapy, Vibrational Products, Chromo-aesthetics, training for Holistic Operators, and multisensory well-being projects aimed at Beauty Centers, Wellness Centers, and SPAs. The school uses professionals with different specializations in naturopathy, herbalism, aesthetics, architecture, arts, and painting. At the Bologna Ailight headquarters, there is a Wellness Center of over 200 sqm with Bath Therapy, Massages, and Wellness Treatments.

Journalist: Registered with the CIST - FIJEYT Board of Journalists - World Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers for Turismedia (

Article Publications: Re Nudo - Vivi Aware - Starbene - Natural Style - BioMagazine - Book "Body and Mind the Key to Well-being" (April 2012) In collaboration with SIMP (Italian Society of Psychosomatic Medicine) Veneziana, Arbiter magazine.

Author of over 30 books reserved for School Color students.

Other Book Publications:

  • The Power of the 7 Colors
  • Eros and Love in 7 shades of color
  • Homeopathy in Colors book
  • Test of chromatic intelligence book
  • Essential oils coded on the frequency of colors book
  • Book The 5 dimensional levels of the human being.

Iliana Manfredi


Iliana Manfredi

Founder and Chair Ailight Colori e Suoni










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Apro l’armadio e penso:<>.
E’ passato un anno dal meraviglioso incontro con il mondo del colore e…non mi sono resa conto di “aver colorato” il mio armadio; non c’è più un indumento scuro,ma solo delle più svariate gradazioni di colore!!!Il colore mi accompagna così, anche attraverso ciò che indosso;mi lascio trascinare dall’ispirazione del momento o da ciò che dovrò affrontare nella mia giornata.Li abbino e li combino e…il risultato è sorprendente…ti senti un raggio di luce,carico e splendente,pronto ad affrontare tutto ciò che la giornata ti proporrà.Per conmpletare il tutto,ogni tanto, associo ai colori degli indumenti indossati l’olio CHAKRA BLEND corrispondente e…”paff”, sono pronta! Tutto ciò è meraviglioso…
Data: 21 settembre 2011
di: Eleonora Palestro