How to use colours

About The Author

We like to call our products "Color Tools" because they help you to have access to the energy of color.

Acqua di Colore is a liquid colour that you can fill in the bath tube water and it is composed of non-toxic organic substances, and the pigments are formed from the elements oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. When these elements are mixed together we are able to see the color (similar to the rainbow). The typical color assumed by the various dyes is due to absorption of a specific wavelength in the visible spectrum, linked to the existence of a conjugated system that favors the delocalization of the electrons.


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Alchemy belongs to the sphere of processes can not be explained by a linear and logical point of view, but in this section we will try to give a relatively simple explanation. The human energy system, in total driving as many as 7 energy systems related to 7 colors / levels of intelligence. Each energy system consists of 4 levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) which interchange information with one another

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Colour & Sound Philosophy

Philosophy of the colour

The color is pure energy. Each color of the rainbow has a different frequency and power that reaches us through the sun's rays. Light stimulates the endocrine system of our body, which is connected to our 3 energy systems, meridians, chakras, aura.

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Simply .. Balance with the power of color!

The most important aspect to be considered for the proper use of our chromotherapy products , for your daily well-being, is the energy balance of your energy centers - in Sanskrit Chakra.

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Use the TURQUOISE energy to support your desire to express yourself! This energy enhances your ability to speak though your heart, strengthening concentration and control over your speech, and allowing you to express yourself freely.

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Pink’s Love Energy PINK is the energy used for universal love and romance. It is a cosmic colour that reflects the attributes of kindness and compassion.

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Magenta is cosmic connector intelligence helps to link us to the cosmic energy, which is far beyond the earthly plane. This is the energy that makes you feel young at heart!

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Violet is the expression of the highest oscillation in the visible range and is known as the colour for meditation and spiritual
enlightenment. When seeking a higher creative energy, use the Violet colour. Violet represents your connection to the highest power and deepens your spiritual beliefs and values. It integrates your consciousness with your subconsciousness, allowing you to connect to the universal super consciousness.

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Kick-Start Your Year with the Indigo Ray !

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Be true BLUE! BLUE is the communication energy and the power that connects you to your inner truth. BLUE inspires you to discover who you truly are, as it is the intelligence of your “Higher Self.” The BLUE energy connects you to your right to express.

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