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Professional Test for Human Energy Analisys

The Energy map test is a test developed and validated in over 10 years of studies and comparative analisys.

It provide you a reliable picture of your energy level and represents a compass to KNOW YOURSELF and understand if your energy level is low or high,  how you live your emotions , which are your strongest energies that create talent, which are the weakest energies to be developed.

Learn to know them and then guide your life!

The test can be used by adults and teenagers aged 13 years and older, once it is done you will be able to print it. It is imperative to respond honestly to questions by answering how you are today, not as you were yesterday or as you would like to be, so you will have a real and honest result.
The result of the analysis of your Energy Map will help you better understand how you think, feel, perceive and understand and where your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual conflicts are happening. Together with the test, there is a detailed explanation of 9 pages that you can print.

If at the end of the test you want more information, please contact us and our expert will advise you on a custom path to develop your energies.


You can buy our test "The Energy Map Test". Click on the "Buy Test" button and proceed with registration and purchase. Once you've completed the procedure, you can do the test whenever you prefer. Return to this page and enter your credentials in the Login Area, then follow the links at the bottom of the page to do the test.


Once you answer the questions immediately print the result of your test, once exited by the program  the system will automatically delete the test result.

For any anomalies or problems during the test run write to











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Il famoso detto: "Non c'è peggior sordo di chi non vuol sentire" ora trova un’evidenza scientifica. Entrando a contatto con persone poco istruite, si notano immediatamente delle differenze sia nei modi di fare, che di approcciarsi ai problemi, che di rispondervi in una maniera adeguata...

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