How to use colours

Pink’s Love Energy PINK is the energy used for universal love and romance. It is a cosmic colour that reflects the attributes of kindness and compassion.
PINK is known to help build up love for oneself and reduce anger and aggression. The PINK energy will help to protect you and give you peace of mind. Rose oil
eases grief, tension, depression, envy and anger.
Foods: PINK grapefruit, PINK salmon.
Herbs & Vitamins: R osehip,
Essential Oils: Rose, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Rose Geranium and COLOUR ENERGY's PINK Chakra or Skin R enew Blend.
Colour therapy water
ACQUA DI COLORE – The PINK COLOUR WATER - Units, Cosmic Connection, the Spiritual Energy Colour water is a vibrational remedy formulated into a liquid preparation to be diluted in water, natural, suitable for all age groups, is extremely pleasant and relaxing.
Essential oil synergic blends
COLOUR CHAKRA PINK- Essential Oil - To link to the cosmos, this incredible blend will uplift your energy mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Use in situations of anger,
aggression, grief or shock. We call it mother’s love in a bottle! This combination is beneficial to rejuvenate the skin and help keep your spirit young and alive. The romantic soft aroma is symbolic of universal love.A refreshing combination of oils to help increase your mind power, keep you alert and exhilarate your being.
SKIN RENEW- Harmony Essential Oil - Helps nourish and rejuvenate the skin. The powerful combination of oils enriches the skin with its anti-aging properties.
Colour & Sound Essence
Aura AMORE E LUCE (Love and Light) - Colour & Sound spray essence. By embracing your feminine (creative and inspiration) energy with your masculine (direction and purpose) energy, you are one with yourself. The male and female energies belong together, they dance together, they are two aspects of oneself and together they manifest the joys of love.
Archangel Blessing Essence CHAMUEL- Archangel Chamuel: Chamuel means "one who sees God". Chamuel helps us to identify the important aspects of our lives.
Talk to him to find a new love, new friends, a new job, or a lost item. Once laid new foundations, Chamuel will help you build what you want.
Talk to him if you need help to remedy misunderstandings both in your love life, both professional.
Alchemy Essences with colours and sounds
Unconditional Love Essence - Unconditional Love Sharing love is the most precious alchemy of life. Match Love and Wisdom is the essence of compassion "Unconditional Love". The Essence Unconditional Love helps you grow your awareness, to cultivate a good relationship, encouraging respect and trust in yourself and with others.
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