About The Author
What are the Energy Therapies?
Energetic Therapy is a method, safe, non-invasive way to rebalance the rhythms and the natural vibrations of the body. They take different forms, including colors, sounds, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy. Each of these works on the body's chakra system, which is the etheric link to endocrine (glands).
Colour Magenta tips
Magenta is cosmic connector intelligence helps to link us to the cosmic energy, which is far beyond the earthly plane. This is the energy that makes you feel young at heart!
Quality and Ethics Code
Our products
Quality Assurance, Code of Ethics: we like to call our products "Color Tools" because they help you to have access to the energy of color and sound.
Ethical code We exclusively use recycled materials and materials that can in turn be recycled throughout the product marketing process.
Altri Profili Colore
Schede per Potenziare l'Energia (clicca sulla scritta del colore che desideri stampare per il tuo cliente):
Rosso Arancio Giallo Verde Blu Indaco Viola
Schede Combinazione delle 2 prime Energie Colore, nella Mappa delle Energie.
Clicca sulla combinazione di colori di cui hai bisogno e procedi alla stampa per il cliente:
Acqua di Colore Giallo
Intelligenza mentale - Saggezza, chiarezza, autostima
L'Energia gialla stimola l’intelletto, l’attenzione e l’apprendimento. Fa aumentare l’interesse e la curiosità. Rende saggi e rafforza la personalità. Stimola la responsabilità, l’affidabilità e la capacità di portare a compimento i propri impegni. In cromoterapia il giallo viene spesso abbinato alla depurazione e al rilascio di tossine.
Il Linguaggio Segreto del Colore: come il Colore comunica al nostro Inconscio! Feature
Il colore è un linguaggio originale che, dall'inizio dei tempi, invia segnali di comunicazione a insetti, animali, uccelli, pesci e esseri umani. Il colore è un linguaggio senza tempo e archetipico, che parla tanto alla nostra coscienza quanto al nostro inconscio.
Beauty and Colour Therapy
Many ancient cultures practiced the healing power of colours for restoration of the body and spiritual equilibrium. Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Goethe, Babbit and Steiner, all examined the colour teachings and their affect on the body and spirit. In 1903, Professor Niels Finsen received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his research about light and colour. Dinshah P. Ghadiali recorded much success with his medical research and
application of colours with his Spectro-Chrome Therapy. In 1933, Dinshah wrote the "Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopedia" based on diagnosing and treating the energy fi eld using "light" therapy. At the turn of the 19th century, the Sicilian physician Dr.Sciascia used colour therapy successfully for rejuvenation treatments. Witnesses hadsaid that he looked like a 30 year old although he was 70, and that his skin was smooth, wrinkle free and he was full of youthful vigor, strength and stamina.
This knowledge of the natural effect of colours as a gentle therapy method is gaining more recognition for modern anti-aging management and in the near future will play an even more important role in the preservation of beauty and youthful appearance.
Why Do Our Cells Respond to Colour?
Research has shown that cells not only radiate colour, but can also receive colour. Using reflex zones and acupuncture points as a point of entry for colour, the body's mechanisms seem to respond to and develop with "colour energy." The German physicist Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp proved that the cells of all living beings emit "biophotons" (light quanta). This radiation represents a regulating energy field, which influences the total biochemical processes inside us.
The human body needs colour to live, because colours mean life energy. Bad light conditions, denatured nutrition, artificial light, electro-smog and stress are already enough to weaken the life energy that is the colour vibrations of the cells. Weakened life energy can eventually lead to physical and mental illnesses.
The Effect of the Aging Process
The symbol of youth is an abundance of vitality, which expresses itself through beautiful, flawless and firm skin, attractiveness, mental freshness, productivity, joy of life, zest, health and fertility. Most people would like to possess this desired youthfulness for as long as possible, but “life” reflects energy consumption. Aging means using energy as is available, or more than what is generally being produced.
If the life energy of an organ degenerates, it disappears from the surface of the skin and departs to the inside of the organ to ensure an elementary basic supply. Through the diminishing of the life energy in an organ the corresponding reflex zone in the skin retracts and a wrinkle is born.
Colour Therapy Treatment
The reflex zones on the hands and in the face are gently treated through a light pressured colour massage, so that the hardening and tensions in the corresponding areas dissolve. A reflex zone is similar to a tunnel. The internal body–the organs–mirror themselves on the periphery skin surface outwards from these zones. Likewise, a healing stimulus from the external has an effect on the internal body. Through a precision calculated irradiation of the energetic colour, the body cell can be optimally nourished with the right energy and vibration. A quick anti-aging effect takes place through specific colour massage of the face reflex zones resulting in a face that appears more relaxed, a complexion that is fresher and younger looking and a reduction in wrinkles.
Since the psyche mirrors itself in the organs, by healing energy deficiencies in any organs, the soul will also be balanced.
Who Can Use Colour Therapy?
• PRACTITIONERS – Excellent non-invasive treatment. Can be used to complement many types of alternative therapies such as Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Refl exology, Homeopathy, Massage, etc.
• SPAS & WELLNESS CENTRES – Various therapy applications including anti-aging, beauty and wellness treatments.
• PERSONAL USE – General & preventative health maintenance.
Call us for our training program - phone 0039 3336120528 - mail: info@ailight.it
Product features
We like to call our products "Color Tools" because they help you to have access to the energy of color.
Acqua di Colore is a liquid colour that you can fill in the bath tube water and it is composed of non-toxic organic substances, and the pigments are formed from the elements oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. When these elements are mixed together we are able to see the color (similar to the rainbow). The typical color assumed by the various dyes is due to absorption of a specific wavelength in the visible spectrum, linked to the existence of a conjugated system that favors the delocalization of the electrons.
Colour Violet tips
Violet is the expression of the highest oscillation in the visible range and is known as the colour for meditation and spiritual
enlightenment. When seeking a higher creative energy, use the Violet colour. Violet represents your connection to the highest power and deepens your spiritual beliefs and values. It integrates your consciousness with your subconsciousness, allowing you to connect to the universal super consciousness.