How to use colours

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Magenta is cosmic connector intelligence helps to link us to the cosmic energy, which is far beyond the earthly plane. This is the energy that makes you feel young at heart!

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Violet is the expression of the highest oscillation in the visible range and is known as the colour for meditation and spiritual
enlightenment. When seeking a higher creative energy, use the Violet colour. Violet represents your connection to the highest power and deepens your spiritual beliefs and values. It integrates your consciousness with your subconsciousness, allowing you to connect to the universal super consciousness.

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Kick-Start Your Year with the Indigo Ray !

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Be true BLUE! BLUE is the communication energy and the power that connects you to your inner truth. BLUE inspires you to discover who you truly are, as it is the intelligence of your “Higher Self.” The BLUE energy connects you to your right to express.

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Solarize your sun centre! Cleanse your body and mind with the YELLOW ray. YELLOW activates the release of negative thoughts so that you can have an optimistic and sunny outlook on any situation. Increases memory power.

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Create happiness, health, harmony, abundance and balance in your life by giving your heart chakra some love-energy. Bring in the GREEN energy to attract
your heart’s desire and strengthen relationships..

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Spice up your spleen! ORANGE is the vitality that connects you to your inner child, which is your creative and sensing centre. ORANGE is the energy that boosts your emotions and exudes happiness and joy

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As we make our way into the RED ray, use this month to connect to your physical being.
Nowadays we tend to put much importance on what we would like to acquire in materialistic wealth rather than on our own health. RED energy is the colour that gives our body strength so that we are able to enjoy the things in life that we earn. There isno point working towards a goal if we are not healthy enough to appreciate the benefits. So explore your RED Root Chakra and connect to your earthly existance and live life with passion and zest!

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1° passo.. azione

Fare un bagno con Acqua di colore ROSSO è l’esperienza consapevole di entrare in contatto con qualcosa di essenziale. Quando scegli di fare un bagno ROSSO, significa che vuoi entrare in contatto con qualcosa di cui hai bisogno.

La sensazione di entrare in una vasca da bagno piena di colore ROSSO è una grande sfida. (Puoi scegliere di fare anche il pediluvio o maniluvio) E’ quasi impossibile guardare l’acqua di  colore ROSSO senza sentire i battiti del cuore. Prima di entrare nella vasca, potrai anche sentire di dover prendere  una decisione importante. Del resto questa è la tipica reazione che si ha davanti al colore ROSSO, perciò FALLO!

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Immergersi nella vasca con Acqua di Colore ARANCIONE è come entrare nel succo d’arancia. L’Arancione è come  una grande iniezione di vitamina C. E’ quasi impossibile annoiarsi in un bagno ARANCIONE.

La gioia della vita esplode come bolle di sapone e solletica la tua anima.

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