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Colour Yellow tips
Solarize your sun centre! Cleanse your body and mind with the YELLOW ray. YELLOW activates the release of negative thoughts so that you can have an optimistic and sunny outlook on any situation. Increases memory power.
Colour Green tips
Create happiness, health, harmony, abundance and balance in your life by giving your heart chakra some love-energy. Bring in the GREEN energy to attract
your heart’s desire and strengthen relationships..
Corso La tua Casa la tua Energia
Sai come creare energia nella tua Casa? - Il colore è il punto di equilibrio
Questo studio ti darà la possibilità di scoprire come le energie della casa possono lavorare per te. Perché saper scegliere i colori della propria casa è molto di più che scegliere tra tutti i colori del mondo. E’ scegliere di essere se stessi. La tua Casa crea armonia quando riflette i colori delle tue Energie.
Ci piacciono le cose semplici: un abbraccio, un grazie, un’attenzione
Ci piacciono le cose semplici: un abbraccio, un grazie, un’attenzione. Essere fedeli ammiratori delle persone semplici, perché sono le più belle, vuol dire lasciarsi andare dal senso comune, dalla loro intuizione e da un cuore che non conosce artificio.
Colour Orange tips
Spice up your spleen! ORANGE is the vitality that connects you to your inner child, which is your creative and sensing centre. ORANGE is the energy that boosts your emotions and exudes happiness and joy
Colour Red tips
As we make our way into the RED ray, use this month to connect to your physical being.
Nowadays we tend to put much importance on what we would like to acquire in materialistic wealth rather than on our own health. RED energy is the colour that gives our body strength so that we are able to enjoy the things in life that we earn. There isno point working towards a goal if we are not healthy enough to appreciate the benefits. So explore your RED Root Chakra and connect to your earthly existance and live life with passion and zest!
Colours & Sound Philosopy
Colour Philosophy
Colour is pure energy. Each colour of the rainbow has a different frequency and power that reaches us through light rays. Light stimulates our body’s endocrine system, which is connected to our energy centres (chakras). All organs, body systems and functions are connected to these energy centres. Light consists of the seven colour energies: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.
Our body absorbs light energy for nourishment on a daily basis. As well, our other senses can receive additional colour energy through a balance of different coloured foods, herbs, vitamins, minerals, gemstones,aromatherapy, essences, sound, colour therapy eyewear, clothing, decor and colour bathing.
Colour Theory
The beneficial influence of colour has been heavily documented throughout history from the ancient Egyptians to great writers and thinkers such as Sir Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. Today, many specialized therapists and alternative health practitioners use colour in their healing methods.
Scientists have shown that colour not only affects one’s psychological disposition of mood, energy, feelings and behaviour, but it can also have a real impact on one’s physiology.
Studies have proven that the colour red will increase heartbeat, blood pressure and body temperature.
It is interesting to know that people who have the same illness avoid the same colour. So why do we prefer certain colours and avoid others? If we analyze our different reactions to various colours we can then learn much about ourselves and how we use energy. This concept may be difficult for some to grasp, as colour has no material existence. With music we hear sound but we don’t see the sound waves, yet certain songs may make us happy or sad while others energize or relax us.
Imagine the full awakening of your senses when you combine music with the energy from colour bathing and aromatherapy!
The Power of Sound
The sound accompanies us every day of our lives, in various forms, voice, music, sound, and has the power to influence our emotions in a positive or negative. There are sounds, like the sound of traffic or sirens, which reduce our energy level. It 's very interesting to study the sound, because we are only influenced by the sounds we hear, but we are also influenced by other vibrations that our body absorbs energy from the environment, such as radio waves, microwaves and electromagnetic frequencies. There are also sounds, such as the crystal bowls, which have the ability to raise our energy level, and when we have the opportunity to live this experience, something inside of us is forever changed, by opening our minds to life scenarios different.
The Magic of Water
Water is truly a sacred element. It 'was revered by civilizations for hundreds of years. Water has remarkable properties, and it is exploring these properties that we can better understand how inputting vibrations helps us to nourish and to keep intact the energy of our body. Our energy body is the structure of our physical body, and imbalances in the energy field, are manifested in the physical body. Water is the lifeblood of the universe, which helps us to maintain balance in our energy field (aura) and delivers the dell'Essenze messages with sounds, for our overall well-being.
Consigli per un bagno con Acqua di colore ROSSO
1° passo.. azione
Fare un bagno con Acqua di colore ROSSO è l’esperienza consapevole di entrare in contatto con qualcosa di essenziale. Quando scegli di fare un bagno ROSSO, significa che vuoi entrare in contatto con qualcosa di cui hai bisogno.
La sensazione di entrare in una vasca da bagno piena di colore ROSSO è una grande sfida. (Puoi scegliere di fare anche il pediluvio o maniluvio) E’ quasi impossibile guardare l’acqua di colore ROSSO senza sentire i battiti del cuore. Prima di entrare nella vasca, potrai anche sentire di dover prendere una decisione importante. Del resto questa è la tipica reazione che si ha davanti al colore ROSSO, perciò FALLO!
Courses for Shops - Colour & Sound of a Vibrational Natural Wellness
If you have a shop and want to insert our vibrational remedies, we have prepared a training course for you!
Caterina - Studente
Le esperienze degli studenti della Scuola dopo il corso base Il Potere dei 7 Colori!
Innamorarsi di se stessi
Se il primo passo per riempire la vita di colore parte dall’Amore…io sono veramente messa male..