How to use colours

Colour Wellness Method

Colour & Sound Wellness Experience ... unforgettable emotions with vibrational massage with Color and Sound

Innovation programs for a global wellness for body, mind and spirit.

Always the man looking in a state of well-being unit, a harmony between body, mind and spirit, we offer unique tools and innovative in the world of spa treatments that bring harmony between emotion and thought.


Is Your Business on the Steps of the Future?

The new age and alternative care industry has grown considerably in the last decade. Recent scientific discoveries related to the concepts of energy, confirm the validity of vibrational remedies as methods to achieve emotional balance and stability of thought, with obvious repercussions on the physical well-being.

A modern wellness center, to be able to offer its customers integrated solutions for treatments involving also the emotional aspect linked to the peace and happiness of the person. According to studies analyzed by the Global Wellness Institute, anxiety and depression are the most common cause of health problems.

According to a recent study, the International Spa Association lists the main reasons for consumers visiting a spa to be:
- Nutrition counseling
- Preventative medicine
- Addressing personal problems like stress and depression
- Holistic, naturopathic, alternative or Eastern therapies

Demand is characterized by an endless stream of requests for individual programs of welfare, personalized fitness programs provided by trained personnel, who have a genuine personal experience.

Knowledge and work with the individual needs of your customers, stand out dramatically this proposal being compared to all the others. Only through a professional program of wellness, people learn how to support their body at a conscious level and find their own creation to live a serene and happy. The massage with color work at a deep cellular level through the release of the cellular memories of emotional pain, using the tool of Light that work very quickly.

How can you ensure that your potential customers to choose your center for their personal well-being?

Work with us ... That's how !!

Years of research, enable us to offer integrated programs that work on the four levels of the human being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The energy integration of color and sound, creating a treatment that works to the speed of light through the energy system of meridians, chakras and aura, giving a state of energy and wellness within a few minutes.

The International Medical Spa Association, defining the treatment of color as a treatment that has the physical and psychological functions. Color therapy is an intensive and comprehensive program of holistic wellness.

Through a professional wellness, people learn how to support their body at a conscious level and find their own creation to live a serene and happy.
Ailight provides programs and exclusive products in color therapy and services. It offers several programs that will add to your business success as integrating part of it. Knowledge and work to the individual needs of your customers, take your business to a higher level ... Right in the future of wellness treatments and relationships with your customers!

Why Colours & Sounds?

The Power of Color and Sound belong to the new frontier of wellness in the field of vibrational therapies. Waters and Massage Vibrational Colour & Sound is a wonderful concept of wellness ... are an experience.

An offering of wellness of high quality and effectiveness, embracing the human being in a broad holistic sense, by the thought, brings comfort to the body and expands the spirit.

When we identify areas of stress and the hunks of energy, we can create a specific program for the customer complete and deep treatments that respond to the needs of global wellness and physical and emotional balance. The massage oils with a color coded, encoded to the energy of color are a very innovative proposal in the field of massages and treatments, and their effectiveness is unmatched compared to conventional treatments. The oils color coded acts in less than 12 seconds, on the human body.
The massage is transformed and becomes a source of awareness, a trip to the wellness and emotions.

If you are interested to know our professional programs, fill the form, we'll reply you soon.


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