
Colour Diet, the benefits of Blu-Violet foods
Food glorious food!
Know the color of foods helps us to easily identify the properties of the foods and the benefits they bring to our daily diet.
We start our COLOR DIET and in this article we explore the properties and benefits of BLUE / PURPLE foods.
The blue/purple hues in foods are due primarily to their anthocyanin content. The darker the blue hue, the higher the phytochemical concentration.
They are also rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are the most abundant and powerful of all the phytochemicals contained in the foods we eat.
There are many categories of flavonoids. One group of flavonoids helps make our blood vessels healthier, meaning a healthier cardiovascular system and lower risk of heart disease. Flavonoids are also very beneficial in reversing the short-term memory loss associated with aging. In addition, they help improve our motor skills, which we rely on for walking and sitting, as well as more delicate movements using our hands, wrists, fingers, and toes.
Flavonoids may play a big role in cancer prevention and in slowing the first stages of cancer development. Moreover, one group of flavonoids called proanthocyanidins helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract. If bacteria can’t stick anywhere it can’t multiply and cause an infection. As a result, eating foods like blueberries and cranberries may be one step in helping to prevent urinary tract infections.
Violet foods who gives us Mother Nature can be divided into 3 categories: indoles, ACID ELLAGIC, ANTIOCIANI. Foods that follow are a good source of supply.
Indoles: Good Sources: purple cauliflower, purple cabbage
Benefits: Derived from sulfur compounds in cruciferous veggies, these may slow the metabolism of carcinogens.
Ellagic Acid: Good Sources: berries
Benefits: The phytochemical may lessen the effect of estrogen in promoting breast-cancer cell growth.
Anthocyanins: Good Sources: red cabbage, eggplant, grapes, berries
Benefits: These antioxidants improve brain function and balance, and they may reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease.
Blue / Violet foods
Dried plums/prunes
Purple cabbage
Purple potatoes
(Per maggiori approfondimenti leggi questo articolo)
What Blue/Violet foods do you have in your diet?
Remember the food is COLOURFUL ENERGY and formed by natural elements found in nature.
The food vibrates at a frequency of 50 Hz, while the color vibrates at a frequency of 800 / 1000Hz for which any effective energy balance must necessarily involve a conscious use of energy of the light colors.
Including all the rainbow colors from fruits and vegetables, the energy intake will be more balanced and the conscious use of color in home, in clothes and through the color therapy tools will make it excellent!
Like everything in life, balance and variety bring us everything we need. Our mission is to explore the benefits of including each of the colors in our diet and in our lives, as a natural lifestyle to help everyone to be more healthy and long-lived.